Welcome back! I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and that you are ready for the exciting, but busy, term that lays ahead.
From Monday 9th May, our year 6 children will complete their national assessments in English and Maths. The children have all been working incredibly hard and they should be immensely proud of all that they have achieved to date, as I know that I am.
Within history this term, we will be investigating the impacts of war and assessing whether WW1 or WW2 had the biggest impact on our locality. The children have already expressed a keen interest in this topic and I am looking forward to exploring it with them.
P.E will continue to be on a Friday afternoon and the majority of sessions will be outside. For this reason, we would be grateful if you could ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E kit and is prepared for all possible weather conditions.
Should you have any queries with regards to this term's learning, please do not hesitate in contacting me via the school office.
Many thanks
Mrs Bradley
Happy New Year!
I hope that you have all had a lovely break and that you have been able to enjoy some quality time with your families throughout the festive period.
P.E sessions will continue to be taught outside, so please ensure that, on a Friday, your child comes to school wearing appropriate and warm clothing in line with our school's uniform policy.
Homework will continue to be set weekly and will include MyMaths, TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed. Children should also be reading at least 5 times a week and on 3 of these occasions aloud and to an adult - we greatly appreciate your support with this.
As you may recall, it was mentioned in the final newsletter sent home at the end of last half-term, that the class emails are no longer in use. However, if you do need to make contact with me, I will be available at the school gates before or after school or alternatively a message can be left with the school office and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
In the unfortunate event that your child has to self-isolate, a copy of the week's learning can be found below and your child can send through any completed work to the school's email.
Should you have any queries with regards to the above, please do not hesitate in getting in touch.
Many thanks
Mrs Bradley
Welcome Back!
I hope that you have all had a wonderful break and that you are excited for the school term that lies ahead.
On this page, you will find copies of our curriculum coverage for the Autumn term, weekly remote learning and shortcuts to useful websites linked to our home learning.
In the unfortunate event that your child has to isolate, you can quickly access the week's learning by clicking on the week commencing dated icons which can be seen below. The children have all received copies of their login details, however, if you are struggling to access any of the resources/sites or have any further questions then please do not hesitate in getting in touch using the class email: year6class@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk.
Many thanks
Mrs Bradley