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Year 3: Mrs Nicholson and Miss Buckingham

We hope that you enjoyed a wonderful Easter break. The children have returned refreshed and enthusiastic.


Reading Books

If your child has finished their reading book, they can return this to school on any of the days, and change the book themselves.  Some children have said they have 6 books at home, so if you could have a search at home, and return the books, that would be brilliant!


Generally by this stage the children can read independently; however, the children would still benefit from reading aloud and being asked questions about the book they are reading. Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week.


Below is key information about the learning that the children will be focusing on this term.


As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please try to catch us after school in the playground, or call the office, and we will return your call.  Your child's happiness is incredibly important to us- we want all of the children to feel valued, safe and happy, so if there is anything we can do to support with this please contact us.


Many thanks,


Mrs Nicholson and Miss Buckingham











Home Learning

We will post weekly homework tasks here every Friday. Below are the tasks for Friday 1st July.

Purple Mash- Using 2Quiz in your 2Do section, please create a quiz about anything that we have learned this year- whatever captured your interests. You could create a quiz about Ancient Egypt or Rocks. I know some of you love maths so select the Maths quiz format when creating your quiz. I look forward to seeing your work. Thank you!    

  • My Maths: Please complete the tasks set for this week. There are lessons to do which support the tasks if you feel your child would benefit from the additional practice. There are also games to play, if the children wish to. 
  • Reflection Please take some time to reflect upon this half-term and everything that you have achieved. Write down 3 things that you are proud of yourself for doing. It might be that you are trying really hard to 'fill a bucket,' or a brilliant piece of artwork. Remember......You are amazing!
  • CLIC/SAFE: Please look at the tests the children bring home each Friday and go over any mistakes. 
  • TT Rockstars/Numbots: Please spend at least 20 minutes practising  number facts and keep an eye out for battles with other classes! 
  • Spelling Shed: Please spend at least 20 minutes on here. There is a new list of Science words on the digestive system. Weekly spelling tests take place on Fridays.
  • Reading: Please read as often as you can, but at least four times a week. The children should bring a selection of appropriate books each week and can return them whenever they've finished them.
  • Those registered, should also complete their Lexia or Nessy usage.

Summer Overviews

4th-6th October timetable
