Zoom Sessions
Whole Class:
Maths Zoom - Click HERE - 10:45 (Daily)
Reading Zoom - Click HERE - 14:30 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)
Mrs Brown Guided Reading Groups: (Weds & Fri)
Group 1 - Click HERE - 09:15 - 09:45
Group 2 - Click HERE - 13:00 - 13:30
Miss Harding - Maths (Thurs)
Arithmetic - Click HERE - 13:30 - 14:00
If you have not been spoken to about this session then you do not need to attend.
Assembly - Mr Marchant (Fri)
Celebration Assembly - Click HERE - 14:15 - 14:25
Good morning Year 6,
I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend and that you are ready for the week that lies ahead.
Please find attached below a copy of the class timetable along with the resources required for each session.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the class email: year6class@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk
Keep shining Year 6!
Miss Bradley