Welcome to Year 2
Dear Parents,
It has been lovely getting to know the children over the past two weeks. We are now well established in our routines and are familiar with the Year Two day.
Miss Buckingham is teaching the children on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Nicholson on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
P.E sessions will be on a Friday and the children are to come into school in their P.E kit on that day. Homework will be set on a Friday starting on the 20th of September. Every week there will be a computer based My Maths task and Spelling Shed activity. Phonics books will come home on a Wednesday. There will be two books in a folder and they need to be returned to school on the following Monday. Our topic planning will be online soon.
We look forward to meeting you all at our first parents evening before half-term. If you have any questions before then please do not hesitate to contact us through the school office.
Best wishes
Mrs Nicholson and Miss Buckingham