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Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good Morning 6B


I hope that you are all well. It has been lovely to hear from those of you that have had meetings with your secondary schools. Please continue to let me know how these are going as it is nice for me to know too that many of you are feeling less nervous or excited about going. 


Suggested Timetable for Today

P.E: Just Dance

Flashback 4: Recapping maths

English: Punctuation, Grammar & Spelling

Reading: Free Read

Maths: Reasoning 1

Spelling Shed: Challenge

Science: Separating Mixtures Lesson 6


P.E: It was great to hear that many of you had enjoyed doing the Waka Waka last week. I hope it brought back some good memories from this school year. Get warmed up for the day with this dance favourite.

Flashback 4: Check out the answers to yesterday's Flashback 4 below.

There were a couple of tricky questions here. I am going to focus on 3 and 4 as this is where the most common errors were. Q3) Many of you got 15:6, but as mentioned before this can be simplified if you find a common factor e.g. 3. Always remember to give ratio in the order that it has been asked for.

Q4) You could have done 100 ÷ 20 = 5 x 13 = 65 or 13 ÷ 20 x 5 = 65


Let's have a look at today's questions.

Remember to simplify the ratio for Q3. Let's see you all getting 100% today.

English: Today, I would like you to have a go at tackling question Set C on SATs Companion for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Before you have a go at completing it, check your score from Set B and give yourself the challenge of trying to top this score. Take your time and make sure you read the questions carefully smiley.

Reading: We have been blasting through the reading of Holes this week, but today, I would like you to take some time to read a book of your choice.  You can, if you wish, use this time to complete any outstanding quizzes or have a go at some of the short article quizzes on STAR Reader.

Maths: As with English, today I would like you to complete Reasoning 1 of question Set C on SATs Companion. Make sure you apply the RUCSAC method with each question: Read, Understand, Choose, Solve, Answer and Check.

This is the final week of planned English and maths sessions, so if you do have any queries about any of the questions, please send me a message and I will do my best to explain them to you.

Spelling Shed: Yesterday, I sent a message around on SATs Companion explaining that I had set up a year 6 Spelling Challenge. Please have a go at logging on and seeing if you can access the challenge.

Will you come out on top at the end of the week?


Science:  Last Wednesday, you set up a science investigation which explored the process of evaporation. Hopefully, you have kept a record of your results, which will lead us nicely onto today's lesson. Do not worry if you were unable to conduct the investigation, I set of data has been provided in the slides below, so you can always use these results if you don't have your own data set.

Download the PowerPoint below to find out more.
