Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and were able to enjoy some quality time with your families.
Below you will find information regarding our weekly class routines and copies of our curriculum overviews.
P.E - Our weekly P.E session will be on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child arrives at school in the correct school P.E kit in line with our uniform policy. Children with long hair must ensure that it is tied back and those that wear earrings must have them removed or taped up.
Homework - Homework will be set using online platforms (TT Rockstars, MyMaths and Spelling Shed) every Friday and these are expected to be completed by the following Friday. The children should have all brought home copies of their passwords this half-term.
Mrs Cameron will be teaching the class on a Wednesday afternoon and this half-term she will be teaching French, PSHE and R.E.
Should you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate in contacting me via the school office.
Many thanks
Mrs Bradley