Zoom Sessions
Whole Class:
Maths Zoom - Click HERE - 10:45 (Daily)
Reading Zoom - Click HERE - 14:30 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)
Mrs Brown Guided Reading Groups: (Weds & Fri)
Group 1 - Click HERE - 09:15 - 09:45
Group 2 - Click HERE - 13:00 - 13:30
Miss Harding - Maths (Thurs)
Arithmetic - Click HERE - 13:30 - 14:00
If you have not been spoken to about this session then you do not need to attend.
Assembly - Mrs Mumberson (Weds)
Celebration Assembly - Click HERE - 14:15 - 14:25
Welcome Back!
Good morning year 6,
I hope that you have all had a wonderful, relaxing break and that you are ready for the exciting half-term that lies ahead.
What's the same and what's different?
Geography: I know that many of you will be pleased to hear that over the next six weeks, we will continue to explore the continent of South America with a specific focus on Brazil. We will also start with our new text 'The Vanishing Rainforest' by Richard Platt & Rupert Van Wyk in English next week.
Science: This half-term we will be moving on from our work on the human body and instead we will be finding out everything there is to know about 'Light'.
P.E: For the first two weeks of half-term, our P.E will have a gymnastics focus and will be led by Bridget. A link will be available on the class planning sheet from Tuesday with how to access these lessons so please make sure you check back.
Assemblies: Our Upper Junior Collective Worship assembly will now take place on a Wednesday at 14:15 with Mrs Mumberson so please make sure you all tune in to find out who has been letting their light shine each week.
Class Read: At the end of last half-term it was agreed that our new class read would be 'Goldfish Boy' by Lisa Thompson. I am very much looking forward to sharing this text with you and I hope that you will all enjoy it!
As always year 6, if you have any questions or concerns at all with regards to the above or this week's timetable, then please do not hesitate in getting in touch using the class email: year6class@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk.
Miss Bradley