Good Morning 6B
Well done for making it to the end of another week of home learning. Please remember that all year 6 memory videos need to be with me by Sunday 28th June. See images above for what is required.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you back here on Monday.
Suggested Timetable for Today:
P.E: National Schools Sport Week
Flashback 4: Recap Maths
English: Writing Challenge
Maths: Angles in a Triangle
Reading: Free Read
Arty Maths: Mr Kealoha maths challenge
Year 6: Leavers Video & Memories
Golden Time: 'Holes' Movie Clip
P.E: Today is the final session linked to National School Sports week and today's activities to choose from are called 'Artistic Sports'. Get involved by downloading the link attached below.
Flashback 4: Check out yesterday's answer in the image below.
Well done if you worked out the answer to question 2. Some of you got the answer to be 9 but remember you it is 2y which mean 2 x y. Therefore, you needed to share the 9 by 2, which would have given you 4.5.
Let's have a look at today's flashback 4:
English: Check out this week's writing challenge by clicking the link HERE. When you have read and understood this week's writing task, log on too Purple Mash and you will find a template that you can use in the 2do section.
Maths: Well done 6B I have been very impressed with your knowledge so far regarding angles on straight lines and around a point. Today, we are going to look at angles in a triangle. The key thing to remember in today's lesson is that just like angles on a straight line, angles in a triangle also add up to 180°. You will need a protractor for some of the questions, however, if you don't have one, please do the questions that you can do.
Download today's White Rose activity sheet below. If you need any help at all, please get in touch.
Reading: Please take some time to enjoy a book off your choice and catch up on any outstanding quizzes.
You can access Star Reader by clicking the book worm on the right. If you are struggling to find a book that you might enjoy at the moment, get in touch and I will do my best to make some recommendations.
If you are a member of Carlisle Library, check out the app BorrowBox. You will need your library card to access it, but you can download e-books and audio books for FREE.
Art: Although it has the word maths in the title, Mr Kealoha's maths challenge actually has an art focus. Go to the Maths Challenge section of the website and have a go at completing the task. If you email me any photos of your creations, I will be sure to pass them on to Mr Kealoha.
For instant access to the Maths Challenge section of the site, click the image on the right.