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Starting School

smiley We are really looking forward to you joining us at Scotby CE School! smiley


Please see below for links and information to help you.

Presentation for Parents

Still image for this video

Please note that there are slight changes to the admin details that are listed in this presentation. The SchoolCloud Online Family Meetings (virtual visits) will be held on Thursday the 4th of July 2024 rather than the end of May. 


You will receive a pack of forms to complete when you attend the ‘Getting to Know You’ evening session (on Thursday the 13th of June 2024) rather than these being sent out in the post. There is also no need for you to email your details to join Tapestry as there will be a form for this included in the aforementioned pack.



Your Tapestry account will be set up during July. Please let us know if you are having any issues with it. Please complete the 'All About Me' section by following the online tutorial. Don't forget to keep up to keep in touch with us using Tapestry as we'd love to see what your child likes to do. 

Sample Dinner Menu

School Milk

Children under 5 are entitled to free school milk. Please register for this online using the link below.

Out of School Club

Please see the following link to see information about our Out of School club. 


Home School Agreement
