We hope that you all had a lovely break and that you were able to enjoy some quality time with your families over the festive period.
To find out what we will be learning this half-term, please have a look at our 'Spring Term Curriculum Overview' which can be found in the documents section below.
Physical Education
This half term our P.E units are dance (hip-hop) and boxercise. P.E sessions will continue to be on a Thursday afternoon and will occasionally be outdoors so please ensure that your child comes to school appropriately dressed for the ever changing weather. (Navy or black jogging bottoms, white school top, blue jumper and trainers.)
Homework will be set weekly and will include MyMaths, TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed. Children should also be reading at least 5 times a week and on 3 of these occasions aloud and to an adult - we greatly appreciate your support with this.
Should you have any queries regarding the information on our class page, please do not hesitate in contacting us via the school's office.
Many thanks
Mrs Bradley & Miss Holland