Update 13/11/2020
Planning sheet updated with science for today.
Good morning Y6,
I just want to say a huge well done to you all. Your commitment to your home learning throughout the week has been fantastic and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you!
10am - Drop in session on Zoom to go over any areas you wish to revisit.
Zoom Meeting Details - Link <-Click Me
Meeting ID: 949 9884 1758
Passcode: Scotby
14:30 - Brightstorm - Chapter 4.
Join me again this afternoon to find out what happens next to Maudie and Arthur. Will they make a run for it or will they live a life of misery with Mr and Mrs Beggins?
Zoom Meeting Link <- Click Me
Please find below two videos which you will require for today's science lesson. Make sure you download the PowerPoint from the documents section at the bottom of this page.
Keep up the great work year 6!
Miss Bradley
Update 12/11/2020
Good morning Y6,
Just a few quick reminders for today:
10am - Live Zoom session focussing on 'Subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators'.
Remember you do not need to attend if you are confident from watching the videos but please send through your work for me to look over.
Zoom Meeting Details - Link - Click Me
Meeting ID: 949 9884 1758
Passcode: Scotby
Please have with you a pencil and a piece of paper.
14:30 - Chapter 3 of Brightstorm. You will find the link to access the Zoom session at the bottom of this page.
STAR Reader: Well done to all of you so far that have successfully completed quizzes (scored over 80%) this week.
Remember it is not too late! To complete a quiz please use the link provided below.
Finally, if you are on Lexia or Nessy, please make sure that you are working hard to complete your usage each week.
Update 11/11/2020 - Armistice Day
Good morning Y6,
It was fantastic to see so many of you on Zoom yesterday for our daily read. I am very much looking forward to 'Chapter 2' with you all at 14:30 today. You can use the same link that I posted yesterday.
The planning sheet for the week has been updated, so please make sure that you download it to avoid missing any new activities.
At 10am today, I will be holding a live maths session on Zoom to quickly recap the learning over the past two days and to look at 'Adding fractions with the same and different denominators'.
You do not need to attend if you are confident from watching the videos but please send through your work for me to look over.
Zoom Meeting Details - Link - Click Me
Meeting ID: 949 9884 1758
Passcode: Scotby
Please have with you a pencil and a piece of paper.
Finally, please take a moment to 'Pause' at 11am today. Watch the video posted below to find out more.
Update: 10th November 2020
Good morning Y6,
Thank you very much to all of you that emailed over your work from yesterday, it was lovely to see how you had all got on.
I have been reassured that the SATs Companion messaging tool is now working, so should you have any questions about today's work, please feel free to use this format to send me a message and I will do my best to support you.
There is no reading comprehension task today so please make sure that you spend 20 minutes reading a book of your choice. We can still win the 'Reading Certificate' whilst we are at home!
Don't forget that Mrs Brown has promised a prize to all of you that complete and pass a STAR Reader quiz before Friday. Well done to MB & AP who completed one yesterday!
Keep up the good work year 6 and I hope to see you all at 14:30 for Brightstorm!
Miss Bradley
9th November 2020
Good Morning Year 6
I hope that you are well and that you have had a lovely weekend.
Please download the 'Week Commencing 9th November Planning' file to find
out what we will be learning about in each lesson this week. The file and this page will be regularly updated so please make sure that you keep checking back.
If you come across any activities that you are unsure of, please feel free to send me an email at year6class@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk and I will do my best to support you.
Currently, the messaging function is down on SATs companion but as soon as it is fixed I shall let you all know.
I would love to see your work throughout the day so please email across any work that isn't submitted online .
I shall look forward to hearing from you all today.
Keep smiling!
Miss Bradley
Join Miss Bradley on Zoom at 14:30 every day this week (starting Tuesday) to go on an adventure with the Brightstorm twins!
Zoom Meeting Link - Click Me
Meeting ID: 966 6097 5595
Passcode: Scotby