Good Morning 6B
I hope that you have all had a wonderful half-term and that you have managed to keep yourselves busy.
It is hard to believe that we are now in our final half-term of this unusual school year, but I am looking forward to making the most of it with you all.
Today I would like to take a little bit of time to finish off some of our work on the Ancient Greeks before we start a new topic.
Suggested Timetable for Today
Morning Activities:
P.E: Joe Wicks/Go Noodle
TT Rock Stars: 5 Studios
Maths: Representing Multiplication with Proper Fractions
Spelling Shed: Challenge List 18
Reading/English: Mathos Chapter 6 & Follow Up
Afternoon activities:
R.E - Zakah
PSHE - Developing a Growth Mindset
P.E: Get yourselves warmed up for the day by completing Joe Wicks 30 minute morning workout by clicking here.
Not in the mood for Joe Wicks? You could always create your own indoor/outdoor circuit training or have a go at some of the GoNoodle dance routines by clicking here.
TT Rock Stars: Please log on to TT and complete a minimum of 5 studios. You may be a little bit rusty after the break so don't worry if your time is slower. Feel free to send myself or a class mate a Rock Slam or better still, get some of your friends on at the same time and compete in festival mode.
Maths: Today I would like to try something a little bit different to SATs Companion. I would like you to access the maths lesson by clicking the image below, which will take you to the Oak National Academy website.
When you click on the link, you need to click the 'Start Lesson' button. It will then ask you to complete a short Introductory Quiz. (Don't worry if you don't score highly, it is just seeing what you already know.)
After the quiz, click the 'Next Activity' button in the bottom right to move through the rest of the maths session.
You will need to watch the video lesson through and pause the lesson occasionally to complete tasks.
Once the video has finished, you will then be given an independent task to complete.
Please show all of your working in your orange books or on plain paper.
As this is something new, I would love to know how you find it so please send me a message via SATs Companion or an email.
Spelling Shed: Below you will find a worksheet for our spelling list for this week.
Make sure that you are confident with all 10 words on the list. You could ask someone if your family to test you.
Reading/English: Log on to Purple Mash and read the final chapter of 'The Lost Myth of Mathos' (chapter 6).
Once you have finished reading, complete the interactive multiple choice quiz and then write a book review using the template on Purple Mash.
Both activities have been set so you should be able to find them in the 'To Do' section.
R.E: At the end of last term, we explored the five pillars of Islam. Today we are going to focus on the third pillar 'Zakah' or 'Zakat'. Open up the PowerPoint below and complete the enclosed activities. I look forward to seeing your work.
PSHE: We have previously looked at what it means to have either a fixed or grown mindset. Today, we are going to explore how our mindset can affect our attitude towards a challenge.
I would like you to start by watching the video below:
When you have finished watching it, I would like you to answer the following questions.
1. What do you think is the main message of the video?
2. Who do you think you are more like, Tom or Meesha and what makes you think this?
I would now like you to have a go at learning something new today. you will have to PERSEVERE. Choose any one from the list below and click it to watch the video. Don't stick to what you already know, so if you can already juggle, try something new.
3. Whistle with a blade of grass
4. Running Man (Shuffle Dance)
Please send videos or photos of you mastering any of the skills above.
I hope you have a fantastic first day back 6B and I shall look forward to seeing your work. I would also love to hear about what you have got up to during your holidays so feel free to send me a message when you get a moment.