Welcome to our online class page. Here you will find important information about your child's time in our Reception class.
The curriculum overview below summarises our planned learning for this year. The children also have the opportunity to follow their own interests during 'Independent Learning Time' each day.
The children in Reception have individual Tapestry accounts. These allow us to share lots of photographs and observations to celebrate each child's learning and development at school. Parents are able to comment on each post and add observations and information from home too.
Click on the link below which will take you to the login screen. If you have any problems accessing your child's account, please let us know as soon as possible.
The children in Reception will have their P.E. lesson on Wednesday mornings. Please wear navy/dark jogging bottoms or leggings with trainers or plimsolls on this day, along with your school jumper or cardigan on top.
Please also bring a bobble for long hair and ensure that earrings are either removed or covered on this day.
Forest Friday
On Fridays we will visit the woods for our outdoor learning.
Please remember wellies! These should preferably be kept in school.
Home Learning
It is important that your child revisits the sounds we have taught using the daily practice sheets and mini sound cards that we will send home in weekly sets. Information on your child's progress in Phonics will be shared with you at the end of each half term.
'Story Sharing' books are sent home weekly too. Please ensure these are sent back in to school on Monday each week to be changed. Individual reading books will be sent home as your child progresses through the RWI programme.
As a school we are working hard to extend every child's vocabulary. As well as new words taught in curriculum subjects, we aim to improve children's understanding of ten different words each month. It would be very helpful if you could discuss the meaning of these words with your child. Can you and your child use these words in a sentence? Can you use more than one word in a sentence? Make sure your sentence makes sense! The importance should be on understanding the meaning of each word- please don't worry if your child cannot read or spell the word independently!
The words for this term are listed below:
September | October | November | December |
any | after | good | much |
new | back | me | great |
work | little | give | think |
part | only | our | say |
take | round | under | help |
get | man | name | low |
place | year | very | line |
made | came | through | before |
live | show | just | turn |
where | every | form | cause |
Please do share your child's home learning by posting photographs or videos on Tapestry - we would love to see what your child is doing at home!
Contact Us
Do not hesitate to speak to one of us at the gate if you have any questions, or send a message via Tapestry. General school enquiries can be answered by the school office either by telephone or by emailing admin@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk.
Best wishes,
Mrs Irving and Mrs Tweedie