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What do I do with the picture books (story sharing books)?

What do I do with the picture books (story sharing books)?


One of the most important things you can do as a parent at home is read to your child.

Loving stories is important because children who love stories want to read stories for themselves. Children who read a lot become better readers.


Here are some top tips for storytime:

  1. Make it a treat – introduce each new book with excitement.
  2. Make it a special, quiet time – cuddle up!
  3. Show curiosity in what you’re going to read.
  4. Read the story once without stopping so they can enjoy the whole story. If you think your child might not understand something say something like ‘Oh I think what’s happening here is that…
  5. Chat about the story, e.g. 'I wonder why he did that? Oh no, I hope she’s not going to…'
  6. Avoid asking questions to check what they remember.
  7. Link to other stories and experiences you have shared, e.g. 'This reminds me of…'
  8. Read favourite stories over and over again – encourage your child to join with the bits they know. Avoid saying, ‘Not that story again!’
  9. Use different voices – be enthusiastic!
  10. Love the book – read with enjoyment.