Weekly Zoom Links
Whole Class:
Maths Zoom - Click HERE - 10:45 (Daily)
Reading Zoom - Click HERE - 14:30 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)
Mrs Brown Guided Reading Groups: (Weds & Fri)
Group 1 - Click HERE - 09:15 - 09:45
Group 2 - Click HERE - 13:00 - 13:30
Good Morning Year 6,
I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend.
This week, I have included all of the links for the class Zoom sessions within the planning sheet, which you can find attached below. This document will be regularly updated throughout the week so please make sure that you check it daily.
As mentioned on Friday's Zoom call, I have adapted some of the PDF documents so that hopefully you can fill them in on screen rather than printing. If you prefer to print them then hopefully you should still be able to do this too. I would really appreciate some feedback with regards to the changes that I have made so after today's learning, if you could kindly get in touch to let me know how you got on with them I would be most grateful.
As always year 6, if you have any questions or are experiencing any problems please get in touch via the class email: year6class@scotbycumbria.sch.uk
Have a good day year 6 and I shall look forward to seeing many of you at 10:45.
Miss Bradley