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Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good Morning 6B


Well done to those of you that took the time to complete STAR Reader quizzes yesterday.

Please make sure that you are all reading at home at least 4 times a week.


Suggested Timetable for Today

Morning Activities:

09:00 - P.E: Joe Wicks/Yoga

09:30 - Maths: Symmetry

10:15 - SPAG: Grammar assessment

11:00 - Reading: Icarus

11:30 - Spelling Shed


Afternoon activities:

Topic - Create a Minotaur Maze

Well-being - I Am Amazing!

Class Read - 'Wonder' (15 mins)


P.E: Get yourselves warmed up for the day by completing Joe Wicks 30 minute morning workout by clicking here.


Not feeling Joe Wicks today? Why not try some mindfulness yoga by clicking the link here.


Maths: Take a break from maths assessments today. What I would like you to have a go at doing is logging on to MyMaths and completing the lines of symmetry activity.


Remember a line of symmetry can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

The important thing to look for, when identifying a line of symmetry, is whether if you put a mirror on the line or split the shape in two, would the two sides look the same?


On MyMaths you may come across questions that look like the one to the right.

Here you have been given a shape that we have been told has a diagonal line of symmetry.

Unfortunately, not all of the squares have been shaded that need to be shaded on both sides to make this line of symmetry work. Your task is to shade the required squares so that the line of symmetry is correct. 

A good way to check if you have shaded the correct squares is to place a mirror on the line of symmetry line once you have shaded and check that both sides look the same.


SPAG: Please log on to SATs Companion and complete the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar assessment.


Top Tips:


-Make sure that you read all of the questions carefully and have understood what you need to do before putting an answer. 


-If it says tick one, tick only one (the same applies for tick two)wink


- Use process of elimination (do the bits that you do know first and then see what answers you have left to solve the rest).


- Check your spellings and punctuation (THIS IS WHAT IT IS TESTING YOU ON)


- Ignore the timer and just do your best.


Please let me know, like many of you did with maths if there are any areas that you are still unsure on or would like to revisit.


Reading: Please complete this weeks modern myth comprehension 'Icarus', which is attached as a file below.

Using your green books (if you have them) please answer each of the questions in full sentences. 

This weeks reading focus continues to explore inference style questions so remember to support your thoughts with evidence from the text.

Spelling Shed: Please log on to Spelling Shed and complete the new 'Challenge' list. Aim to reach Royal Bee status.


Topic: Create your own Minotaur Labyrinth/Maze.









Some of you may have even completed the Minotaur Maze at Kielder Forest, which is pictured in the image above.


You can create your maze/labyrinth in anyway you like.


Here are some suggestions on how you could make it:

- Minecraft

- Hand drawn

- straws

- sticks

- lego

- shoebox











Well-Being: Complete the following 'I Am Amazing' activity sheet about yourselves. If you do not have a printer, feel free to create your own version of it in your green books or on a spare piece of paper. If you don't like the idea of balloons you could turn them into something else.

Wonder - Chapters 6,7 & 8

Still image for this video
Feel free to listen to the next 3 chapters whilst you are completing this afternoon's activities.