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Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good Morning 6B!


I hope you all had a good day yesterday and have managed to make a start on your entries for the Art Competition. Thank you to those of you that have completed them already.


Suggested timetable for today:

Joe Wicks - 09:00 - 09:30

Fluent in 5 - Arithmetic (5 mins)

Reading - Reading Comprehension (30 minutes)

SPAG - Identifying subordinating clauses (20 mins)

Maths - Problem solving using four operations (30 mins)

TT RockStars - (5 mins)

Spelling Shed - 'ough' words (15 mins)

Topic - Olympics

DT - Ancient Greek Food


Joe Wicks: Complete the Joe Wicks workout. You can catch it live everyday from 09:00 - 09:30 on YouTube by following the link here.


Fluent in 5:

Please complete the questions above, aim to complete them within five minutes and then use the inverse operation to check your answers.


Reading: Complete the reading comprehension task below on 'Democracy' remember to answer the questions in full sentences. The main focus this week is 'Retrieval', which means you have to find the answers in the text. Make sure you quote directly from the text and do not try to do it from memory wink.

SPAG: Today we will be continuing our work on clauses. Our focus clause for today is 'Subordinating Clauses'.


Let's Recap

Subordinating clauses are dependent clauses, which means that they do not make sense on their own and need to be with a main clause.


They often start with a subordinating conjunction ( I SAW A WABUB).


Their main purpose is to add extra information to a sentence.


By adding a subordinating clause to a main clause, you create a complex sentence.


When you have finished reading the information above, log on to SATs Companion and complete the activity 'Identifying Subordinating Clauses'.


Maths: Yesterday, we looked at using addition and subtraction to problem solve. Today we are going to be looking at applying any of the four operations to do the same.

Remember to follow the RUCSAC method when problem solving.


Check that you have read carefully and understood the question.


Underline any key information and then choose the appropriate operation to solve the problem. 


When you have found an answer, read the question again and check that the answer makes sense.

Log on to SATs Companion and complete the activity 'Solve Number Problems Using All Four Operations'.


TT RockStars: Complete 5 studios on TT RockStars.


Spelling Shed: Log on to Spelling Shed and complete this weeks word list, which looks at the letter string 'ough'.

Aim to reach Royal Bee status.

Topic: Today we are going to be looking at the Olympics, which started way back in the Ancient Greek times. Take a look at the presentation below and complete the tasks inside. 

When you have finished, if you have a printer, why not have a go at playing the Olympic board game, which is attached in the files section below?

If you don't have a printer, why not create your own Olympic style board game?

DT (Optional extra task): Find a recipe from the Ancient Greek times and have a go at making and tasting a new dish.

                   Some ideas:


-Portokalia me Meli

-Horta Vrasta



