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End of the week. Yesterday we did an excellent activity to get us moving and our hearts pumping. You can find a link here.
Don't forget that Joe Wick will be doing his last session of the week today.
If you haven't finished the English from yesterday, please complete that. You should also watch through the English video for today because it helps us think about how we can make helpful choices and how we can improve our well being through those choices.
Some of you haven't managed to complete your Big Maths Beat That online yet. If you need me to resend your login details, please let me know.
Use the power point to start on the final art of this half term.
See you all for our morning Zoom session and for assembly which is at 2.00pm (Junior link above). There will be no story today because of the Flame Assembly
YEAR 4s do not need to attend the Zoom session today. I have uploaded the answer sheet below. I will be working through the year 5 worksheet from yesterday in detail.
Mr K
Have you tried the P.E challenges yet. There is a link above if you haven't. Also, Mrs Townsend has created a Music Challenge page which you can have a go at as well.
All of our work today is below. During our Zoom session I will work through yesterday's questions and then I will spend a little time looking at comparing and ordering fractions with the year 5s. You will need a pen and paper.
English and Wellbeing videos are ready below.
Mr K
Good morning everyone. First an apology for green and blue reading groups. I set the wrong text for you but I have corrected this by uploading one for you to work on.
English today is to complete the wellbeing task 2, being present. Watch the video. I have also added the SPAG worksheets today, if you complete the reading, spelling shed and well being tasks and need some extra.
During the live session today I will be quickly going through yesterday's maths and looking at any questions that need some extra support but I will also being go through some year 4 SPAG work on Direct and indirect speech.
The geography video is about tourism and specifically Hawaiian tourism. Use the following website to help you get started in your research of Hawaiian tourism that you need to do for the task.
Go Hawaii
If you would like to get active then I have provided a link to Mrs Whites P.E challenges above.
So I hope you had a good day yesterday. Unfortunately my internet was unreliable due to some road works near where I live so the zoom session wasn't possible but it seems that things are fixed now.
Please complete the lesson videos below and thank you to those children that tried to complete the maths using the PDF Escape website. You don't have to use this just for the White Rose sheets. Potentially, any work on a PDF could be completed in this way.
I have included a blank 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' sheet to help practise your spellings. Copy your spellings from the time table onto the the first column and then practise as we do in class.
Have a great day and I will see you hopefully during our Zoom sessions (we will be looking at the work for yesterday).
Mr K
Welcome to a new week everyone. This week, apart from our usual work, we will also be doing some activities for National Well Being Week. Today, rather than R.E there is a first lesson on this. Well being is an important part of living your best life. It is incredibly empowering to know that the power is in you to help create that well being.
For this week only, we will be leaving Rose Blanche and looking at the book 'The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse' by Charlie Mackesy to help understand how we can help our well being.
From 9.30am there will be a Wellbeing Week Assembly available to watch from this website.
To help with reducing printing of work at home, Mrs White has found an excellent website where you can write your answers directly onto the documents without printing. Watch the video below to see if it something that would be helpful for you.
Have a good day
Mr K