Here is today's English task.
Maths Task.
RE This link reminds us what a wonderful world we live in and how important it is that we look after it. I know some of you have spotted my favourite flowers while you've been out and about and it certainly cheers me up when I see flowers in bloom. As our topic is our Wonderful world I would like you to watch the Bible story of the creation using the link below. It talks about how our wonderful world was created. I always stress to the children that this is the story that Christians believe but other religions have different beliefs and views. Could you draw or paint a picture of our wonderful world, this maybe the village you live in and things you have seen on your walks. You could add collage materials for the trees and flowers. You might like to think about a seaside setting linked to our class story and make your picture linked to that with a seaside and fluffy clouds in the blue sky. I would like you to write a sentence about your picture.