Please take a look at the new Music Challenge page on the website. There are different activities that can be completed at home, including a singalong with Mrs Townsend.
Mrs White has also provided some fitness challenges to support our wellbeing. See how many you can do and let her know!
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to another week of remote learning. I hope you had a lovely weekend. This week is slightly different, as it is our Wellbeing Week. I think during these uncertain times it’s always helpful to look at ways we can help our wellbeing and take note of how we are feeling – whether that’s sad, happy, anxious or even frightened. Whatever you are feeling it’s important to realise that it’s perfectly normal! This week, you could also take a look at the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health page on the school website. which has some great activities you could also complete this week. Have a look at the 'lending a hand or reaching out' art activity - I'd love to see what you create. Please take some time to watch Miss Harries’ video too.
Have a fabulous week. I look forward to seeing you on our Zoom sessions!
Miss Q
There is a virtual assembly this morning at 9am, please click here to follow the link.
Daily Zoom sessions:
Please click the link here to join the 11:00am Zoom of the day
Password: 3D70YN
Please click the link here to join the 2:10pm Zoom of the day.
Password: hm5d8t
*Please note – there are no Zoom sessions on a Friday. Our Tuesday afternoon (2nd Feb) Zoom session is also cancelled this week*
Collective worship – Friday 5th February - follow the link here.
Year3, our assembly is
2.00 - 2.15
Meeting id: 746 4750 7478
Password: Shine
No more printing PDF sheets!
Mrs White found a way for us to edit PDFs without the need to always print sheets as I'm very aware of how much needs to be printed. It involves registering with PDF Escape but it is free! Instructions on what to do are below:
Register to PDF Escape - it's free!
Once registered, click edit PDF files
Click upload PDF to PDFescape
Choose which file you'd like to write on - either click the link in the timetable or download the sheet from the resources section
Upload the file
You can then work on the PDF, either with text or freehand, depending on what device you are working on
When you've finished, click save and download
Email to me and tada! No printing required!
If you have any problems please let me know.