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Week Beginning 18/1/2021



Last day of the week. Well done you have made it. Joe Wick is back on today which I suggest you get started with.


The English video lesson is below for you to work on. This will involve doing a diary write in role as Rose Blanche so give it your best shot and send it over to me to have a look at. Remember to try and use some of the SPAG skills we have looked at over the last couple of weeks.


Assembly: Mr Marchant will be doing an assembly today at 2.30pm. You can join the assembly via this link: Click here

Our story time will be slightly earlier at 2.oopm today so that we don't clash with it.


For your work this afternoon, please complete the art lesson but if you haven't managed to complete any of the other sessions then get those finished off as well.


Just as a little bonus to the week and because we are into our routine for our home learning now I have set some MyMaths to complete. It is looking at multiplication and division.


Take care and have a good weekend


Mr K

English Lesson 7 - Writing in Role

Still image for this video



Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to complete the tasks.


Today for our Zoom session at 11.15am I would like to continue to look at examples of division including dividing 3d by 1d and 4d by 1d. You can find the answers for yesterday's questions in the resources section.


For music today you will need to have a few things: a selection of glasses; water and a pencil or stick. You will be creating a tuned musical instrument to use.


Have fun and we'll catch up during our Zoom sessions.


Mr K

Adverbials of time

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Quick recap of adverbials of time



Important message: Please ask your parents to check their emails over the next day or two as I am sending out details for how you can complete your Big Maths Beat That at home. Thank you.


Good morning. Joe Wick is back on today so let's get our blood pumping.


In yesterday's Zoom session we looked at division in a little more detail. We will be doing the same again so please try to be there for the start so you don't miss any of the session.


Today's English lesson video is ready below - in this we will be taking the work on Monday and using observations about people, places and events to try to infer a characters thoughts and feelings.


Use the power point for geography.


Have a good day and I hope to see some of you for one of our Zoom sessions.


Mr K

English Lesson 6

Still image for this video
Using observations to make inferences.

Geography - Lesson 3

Still image for this video
Use the video to guide you - follow the links to research further - complete the work sheet.



Thank you for the work that was sent over yesterday. It was lovely to be able to read the story in the afternoon and to catch up with you and your weekends.


For today's Zoom session (use the link above), I will be going over division in a little more detail as year 4s and 5s are covering it at the moment. I will then go through Monday's answers and address any issues.


I have a science video up for the afternoon, so work through the video and complete the task.

Science Lesson 3

Still image for this video
The power point is also available in the resources folder.



No morning Zoom session on Mondays - Reading at 2.15 as normal. Link above.


I hope that you all had a good weekend and are ready to get back to some learning.

As I said in our Zoom sessions last Friday, I will now only be in school for part of the week. I will still be doing the daily Zoom sessions (excluding Monday am). This change should give me more time to create some video lessons for some of our more complex tasks; for example, you will find the English video below.


I will start my day with Joe Wick. We all need to keep our energy levels up and a morning dose of exercise will do the trick.




Have a good day and I'll see you for story this afternoon.

English Lesson 5 - Rose Blanche

Still image for this video