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Thursday 7th Jan

This is the link from yesterday, hopefully you can see it now.


Today we are starting our new History topic, local history. 

I would like you to use a safe search engine on the internet and find out as much as you can about Carlisle castle, you could also ask adults for information or look in books. 

I would then like you to present your information in an attractive way using images and writing. please take a photograph of your presentation and send it to the class email. 



Carlisle Castle is local to us, do you know where it it? 

We are hoping to have a visit to the Castle at some point in the term( fingers crossed). 

Can you make a map from our school to the Castle? Please make your map as detailed as possible, labelling buildings, shops and landmarks you may pass on the journey. You could also create a key for your map. Please see attached picture of a map for ideas. 


Making a map
