Monday 27th April
Good morning 6B!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
Suggested timetable for today:
Joe Wicks - 09:00 - 09:30
Fluent in 5 - Arithmetic (5 mins)
Reading/English - Odysseus and the Trojan Horse (35 mins)
Spelling - Adding suffixes to -fer words (15-20 mins)
SPAG - Apostrophes for plural possession (30 mins)
Maths - Rounding decimals (2dp) (30 Mins)
Topic - Greece Fact File (No recommended time)
History - Spartans
Joe Wicks: Complete the Joe Wicks workout. You can catch it live everyday from 09:00 - 09:30 on YouTube by following the link here.
Aim to complete the questions above within 5 minutes. Use the inverse operations to then check your working out.
Listen to the audio book of the 'Odysseus and the Trojan Horse' here.
When you have finished listening, write a short diary entry as though you are one of the 20 Greek warriors who is hiding inside the Trojan horse.
Write from the moment Casandra says that they must destroy it up until you are let through the gates and the trap door is opened.
Think about your emotions - How do you feel when she says to burn it? When the spear is thrown through it? When the horse is pulled into the city? When dawn arrives?
Spelling Shed:
Log on to Spelling Shed and complete the spelling task 'Adding suffixes to words containing -fer'. Aim to reach Royal Bee status.
On Friday you completed the task 'Apostrophes for singular possession' today you are going to complete the task 'Apostrophes for plural possession' on SATs Companion. I have attached the video from Friday below so that you can refresh your memories.
Today we are going to be rounding decimals up to 2 decimal places.
Remember when rounding numbers we follow these rules...
For example:
Round 2.746 to 2 the nearest hundredth.
2.746 (Underline the digit look next door)
2.746 (Look next door it is a 6, which means we add one more to the 4.
Answer = 2.75
Log on to SATs Companion and complete the activity rounding decimals.
Topic: This week we are going to be having a look at Greece as a country with the aim of producing a travel brochure by the end of the week. Complete the fact file on Purple Mash. When you have finished, see if you can find some places in Greece that you think would be of interest to tourists.
History: Today we are going to have a look at the Spartans. Watch the video below to find out who the Spartans were.
Sparta only wanted the fittest and healthiest of men, women and children.
Can you find out what it would have been like to grow up as a girl or boy in Sparta?
You can use ideas from the video or you may wish to use other websites.
Boys | Girls |
1. | 1. |
2. | 2. |
3. | 3. |
4. | 4. |
5. | 5. |
You could create a grid like the one above and note down what boys were expected to do and then repeat for girls.
I hope you all have a lovely day!
Miss Bradley