Happy New Year to you all!
I would like to thank you all for the cards and gifts we received at Christmas, it was very kind!
Homework 19th January
Please check your child's spelling book. This week we have assessed some of their previous spellings to check if they are secure with the spellings or just learning them for the weekly test. Some need to be revisited.
My Maths activities are linked to our learning this week.
Reading books will be given out next week when we restart our phonics activities.
It has been lovely getting to know the children over the past couple of weeks and they have settled into year 1 fantastically.
Our curriculum overview will be with you shortly however, the children might have mentioned that we have started our learning with our history topic ( When our grandparents were young). Thank you to Ben's nana who came to chat to us about when she was a young child.
All children were given a reading book last week . Please return this book no later than Wednesday of the following week.
Please see this page every Friday for homework activities.
We are very lucky to have a team of staff in year 1. Mrs Doyle is a teaching assistant, Miss Brown is a senior teaching assistant and Mrs Painter and Miss Kelly are apprentices. Mrs Irving covers the class on a Thursday afternoon for my PPA time.
Friday 6th December
Please check 'My Maths'
Practise any errors on your CLIC (BIG MATHS).
Spellings- new spellings are in books.
Reminder to please listen to your child read their phonics book every night and record any comments in their reading folder.
Mrs White
Thankyou Mrs White
Homework Friday 20th September
All children have brought their username and password for My Maths home.
Please login with your child and complete the activities.
Please read with your child every night.
History - spend time chatting to your child about your time as a child. Discuss what school was like, what shops were like and what you liked to play with.
If it is possible for the children to chat to a grandparent about their childhood this would be great.
Thankyou Mrs White.