Welcome to Year 1
Please see the Summer Term Curriculum Overview and Summer Term Maths Small Steps under Curriculum Information below for details on this term's learning.
Please continue to check this page weekly for Home Learning tasks and reminders.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email admin@scotby.cumbria.sch.uk or telephone the School Office.
Home Learning
This week: Friday 11th July
- Please complete the MyMaths tasks - Introducing fractions
- Hit the Button - Halving numbers up to 10
- PurpleMash 2Dos: - History of transport
- - Fractions quizzes
- As part of our R.E. learning about Rosh Hashanah, we have been thinking this year about reflecting on a year, on all we have achieved and setting goals for a new year. We have drawn parallels with ending our school year next week and beginning a new one in September. If you have time you could talk to your child about their achievements this year and goals for next.
Every week
- Your child will bring home one or two RWI phonics reading books which compliment the reading focus for your child each week. Please try to read the books three or four times before returning on the day stated on the plastic folder.
- Sharing Books are changed on Fridays.
- CLICs and LearnIts are sent home on Fridays - please take some time to go through these with your child. Check any mistakes and celebrate if they have beaten their last score or moved up!