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Year 3: Mrs White


                         Summer Term 

I can't believe it is our last full term as Year 3!

The children have settled back really well into school and it's been lovely listening to their Easter holiday news.  Your child should have  brought home the new spelling overview for this half term so please practise these words weekly.  

This term is set to be a busy one with lots of exciting activities planned. The  Summer term Overview will be uploaded next week. 


Homework Friday 17th May.

  • A new note about reading: Please encourage your child to read every night. They should have the book they are reading in school at all times to ensure they are reading one book at a time. So please pop it back in their reading bag after reading at home. 
  • CLIC/SAFE: Please look at the tests the children bring home every Friday and go over any errors. Please get in touch if you need any guidance. We are now accessing the Learn It's online so your child will come home with practise calculations.
  •  Maths: We are working on time, which is proving a little tricky! Please complete the My Maths activities and spend time with your child telling the time on an analogue clock. Focus on 5 minute intervals to and past the hour. then representing this as digital time. Example 4: 40 is 20 minutes to 5.  3:35 is 25 minutes to 4. 
  • Spellings: Spelling Shed and the spelling activity I have sent home. 

Fractions Of Amounts Year 3 (Non-Unit Fractions)

Year 3 | Fractions lesson 2 | Fractions of amounts (Non - unit fractions) In this maths lesson we will learn how to find fractions of amounts using 'Non-unit fractions' A non -unit fraction is a fraction who's numerator (the number on the top) is greater than 1 therefore we might be looking for fractions such as 2/4 or 4/5 When learning how to find fractions of amounts we can look at the denominator (the number at the bottom of the fraction) to see how many equal groups we need to share our quantity into.

New Vocabulary 

As a school we are having a focus on vocabulary. Each month we will look at ten words and discuss their meaning. Children will be rewarded for using these words in discussions or writing activities. You can support  this by using these words at home. 

January  words:

advice, chill, nation, ancient, abandon, passage, nursery, plunge, schedule and  swift.

Autumn Term Overview
