Special Education Needs and Disabilities is a term used to describe a range of learning needs whether they be communication and interaction, cognitive or learning, social, emotional and mental health or sensory and/or physical. At Scotby School, we focus on the individual needs of the child and promote inclusion in all aspects of the school and wider community. We provide a child-centred process that engages pupil, family, school and other professionals in planning and implementing high quality, needs led provision that is consistently applied throughout the school. We aim to ensure that all our pupils access the same opportunities for learning and social development to achieve maximum progress, fulfil their potential and promote wellbeing.
Children with a Special Educational Need are defined as
We are proud to be an inclusive school where we are able to meet the needs of children through Quality First Teaching, differentiation, reasonable adjustment of our systems and equipment and quality interventions provided by experienced staff.
If you have any questions or queries regarding your child your first point of contact is your child's class teacher.
Where you child has a special educational need, the class teacher may also involved, Mr Marchant who is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and/or Miss Holland who leads on Special Educational Needs in Early Years.