Good morning!
I have received lots of photographs for the class display of your time in lockdown. If you have not chosen a picture and sent it please do so before the end of today. Many thanks!
Today I would like you to read through your written work from yesterday and see if you can make your writing a little more exciting by adding some adjectives. In school we do this by using a purple pen and calling it the purple pen of power. The power makes our writing so much better!
Today I would you like to practise your "Big Maths" activities and you 'Learn its'. How fast can you do your 'Learn It's' now?
Guess my number?
Today I would like you to play a game with someone at home. Take turns to think of a number, write it down but don't show anyone. Your partner has to guess your number by using Maths language such as:
Is it odd?
Is it even?
Is it a 2-digit number?
Is it a multiple of 10?
Is it between 10 and 30?
Is it greater than...?
Is it less than ...?
Then swap so you both have a go.
Spelling Shed
I have set a new spelling activity on Spelling Shed please access this. Any problems with logging in just email the class email.
At school today we are practising our tennis skills, can you do this too? If you don't have rackets then you could just practise your throwing and catching skills.