Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break.
I will post curriculum information, homework and details of any special events on this page.
The summer term is very busy, we have the chance to really investigate some wonderful topic areas.
Mrs Simpson will be teaching on Thursday and Friday afternoons and will be teaching Science, Re and Art/DT.
We cannot believe how fast the year is going and look forward to the children's final term in Year 5!
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school dressed in leggings/trackies and trainers as well as a white top/polo shirt and their school jumper/cardigan on these days. Long hair needs to be tied back and earrings removed or taped up.
Home Learning
Homework will be set weekly and will include MyMaths, TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed. Big Maths sheets will be sent home on a Thursday, please have a look at any errors and practise any questions that were a challenge this week.
If you have problems accessing the websites, please get in contact.
We also ask that children read one of their school books regularly at home, either independently or with someone else, we will continue to complete Star Reader book quizzes in class.
Should you have any queries regarding the information on our class page, please do not hesitate in contacting us via the school's office.
Many thanks,
Miss Haugh