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Year 3/4: Mrs Scott & Mr Marchant

Welcome to our Year 3/4 class page!


You will find details of this term's curriculum below. Homework tasks will be posted every Friday. Our tennis lessons at Chatsworth have now finished so PE will now return to Tuesday afternoons. The children should only come to school in their kits on PE days (a white t-shirt or polo shirt with navy/royal blue shorts or joggers). Please ensure all items of clothing (including hats, scarves and gloves) are clearly named.

Home Learning


Friday 12th July:

  • Reading: Please encourage your child to read as often as they can, but at least four times per week. They should be keeping track of what they have read and their quiz scores, in their Reading Log.
  • My Maths: There are no new tasks set this week. The children should try to finish any outstanding ones if they have any.
  • TT Rockstars: Please spend a few minutes at least three times per week, practising times tables.
  • Spelling: We would like the children to play at least 15 games on Spelling Shed over the week (they are short, and little and often is the best approach!). Spelling books will be sent home on Fridays and should be returned by the following Thursday.
  • Science: We will be finding out about the importance of conservation next week, so in preparation, we would like the children to find out about one endangered animal to share with the class.