Good Morning 6B
I hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend, despite the miserable weather. Thank you very much to those of you that recorded and sent your year 6 leavers videos over. If you haven't done so already, please get these sent over to me to ASAP please. I would like you all to be a part of it.
Suggested Timetable for Today
Morning Activities:
P.E: Joe Wicks
Flashback 4: Recap maths
SPAG: Colons
Reading: Holes Chapters 16 -18
TT RockStars: 5 Studio Tasks
Maths: Angles in Triangles (Special Cases)
Spelling Shed: Words with Origins in other Countries
R.E: Importance of the Hajj
Year 6 Leavers: Videos
P.E: Start your morning off with a good old P.E session courtesy of Joe Wicks. Healthy body = healthy mind. To access the live video click the link HERE.
Flashback 4: Check out the first of this weeks Flashback 4 in the image below. There are a couple of tricky questions here don't get caught out by number 1. Remember you need to find the value of one pen first to be able to find the value of 5. This is going to involve 2 different operations a division and then a multiplication. Good luck and feel free to message me if you are unsure on how to approach one of the questions.
SPAG: Last week, we had a look at semi-colons. Today, we are going to be looking at the use of a colon. Make sure you check out the video in the lessons section before completing the assigned task.
Do you have what it takes to become a 'Colon King/Queen'? Score 80% or more to earn a trophy.
Reading: I hope you have all been enjoying the movie extracts that I have been placing on each Friday.
Today, I would like you to read chapters 16, 17 and 18. They are only short so it shouldn't take you too long.
When you have finished, explain to someone nearby what has happened in these 3 chapters.
Download the PDF below to access the chapters for today's reading.
TT Rock Stars: Log on to TT Rock Stars and complete a minimum of 5 studio tasks.
Why not check out your stats by clicking on your icon? Here you can view your times table grid and identify which tables you may need to work on.
If you feel up to it, why not challenge one of your friends to a Rock Slam? Well done to Ava and Jamie, who annihilated me last week!
Year 6 Leavers Videos: A BIG thank you to all of you, who have taken the time to get your videos to me so far. I am still missing a few, if you haven't done so already please can you get them sent over ASAP (as soon as possible). I do not want to miss any of you out.