Summer Term 2023
It's hard to believe we are into the final term of the school year. This is a busy term and we have lots of fun activities planned. I am busy planning our next school trip so please look out for this letter coming home shortly.
As the weather is getting warmer it's important your child has a water bottle with them every day and a sun hat and sun cream when needed.
Thankyou for your dedication to homework tasks it is very much appreciated. Please continue to check the website and your child's school bag each Friday for any extra homework tasks.
I have uploaded the Summer Curriculum overview for you to discuss your child's learning with them.
Spelling overviews are uploaded and will also be sent home.
Spring Term 2023
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. We are now back in full swing of our new topic. I have sent a paper copy of the spelling overview home and I will upload it on this page along with the Spring term topic overview as soon as that is finalised.
Home learning activities will carry on as last term. These include Spelling Shed activities, My Maths, Reading( remember you can access reading quizzes using the link through the school website).
This half term I will also set activities linked to our Geography or Science learning so please check the website for these each week.
The words for March are listed below:
Home Learning
We will post weekly homework tasks here every Friday. Below are the weekly tasks.
Welcome to Year2/3!
What a positive start we have had to Year2/3. The children are enjoying the start of our new topic, the Stone Age. We are currently reading the Stone Age boy by Satoshi Kitamura.
Our P.E session is now on a Tuesday and will be outdoors this term.
Homework will be set weekly and this will include MyMaths and Spelling shed activities. The children have been given new login details for My Maths, Spelling shed passwords are the same as last year. Please let me know if you need these given out again. All children should be reading at least 5 times a week to an adult. If your child has a ZPD book they can complete quizzes at home using the link on the school website. We really appreciate your support with reading, thankyou.
Home Learning
We will post weekly homework tasks here every Friday. Below are the tasks for Friday 18th November