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Year 2: Mrs Nicholson & Miss Buckingham

Friday 5th July


This week for homework, I would like you to make a video advertising Silloth. Try to use the ideas from your persuasive holiday advert. For eg, Enjoy award winning ice-cream. It would be fun if you could use props.


Please send your videos to for the attention of Mrs Nicholson.


Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 21st June


This week please contact an elderly relative and ask them the questions that you have written about holidays in the past. Please return to school.


On Purple Mash please go to your 2Dos and complete the ambition task.


Have a lovely weekend.  

Friday 14th June

This week we have continued with our work on pointillism. It would be wonderful if you could create a piece of artwork using pointillism based on the seaside. It could be a bucket and spade or a whole seaside scene.


I look forward to seeing and sharing with the class your wonderful work!


Please complete My Maths and Spelling Shed tasks.

Friday 24th May..... Happy Half-Term!


Please can the children chat to their grandparents about what their grandparents holidays were like and begin to compare them to their experiences.


Thank you 

Friday 17th May


Please complete the My Maths tasks and Spelling Shed tasks. In addition to this, please login to Purple Mash and complete the two tasks linked to pointillism. I'm very excited to see your work.

Friday 10th May

In Science the children have been learning about minibeasts. Can you please encourage your child to look for minibeasts; to try to name the minibeast and to describe where they found it.

Please continue to ask your child the time. We finish our ,maths unit on time next week; however, we will continue to ask the children questions linked to time. 

My Maths and Spelling Shed tasks are also set.


Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!  

Friday 3rd May

This week we have just started our work on time. If your child has an analogue watch, could you please encourage him/her to wear it, and at home ask questions about the time.  Time can be a very tricky concept for some children; however, by the end of the unit, the expectation is that he/she can read time to 5 minutes. The more practise the children can get the better! In addition to their CLICs, the children will bring home a paper clock. We would really appreciate it if you could spend time with your child making the clock together.


Many thanks    

Friday 25th April


Please complete the MyMaths and Spelling Shed tasks. 

Our History topic is linked to Seaside Holidays in the past. If you have any pictures of your child at the seaside please email in the picture to Also, please chat to your child about the below picture-Seaside Holidays- identifying similarities and differences.


Many thanks




Seaside Pictures

Friday 1st March

Homework this week is to login to TT-Rockstars and practise your times tables. Also please login to Numbots and play the game. (Login details were resent home yesterday.)


Ms Buckingham has set a Spelling Shed task. 


Rosa Parks- As part of our History Topic, The Greatest History Makers, we have been looking at the life of Rosa Parks. The children have been using excellent vocabulary; segregation, racism, discrimination and protest. Please chat to your child and ask them to tell you about what they have learned about Rosa Parks, encouraging them to use the words above in their explanation.


Year 2: Mrs Nicholson & Miss Buckingham

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Summer Term of Y2. The children worked incredibly hard last term and we hope that you managed to spend some quality family time together over the Easter break. 


Polite Reminder

Please can you check that your child is not bringing toys in from home. Some children have, and it is creating a domino effect! Also, children are allowed to wear a watch and small pair of studs in their ears; however, no bracelets or necklaces are allowed.


Many thanks  


Home Learning

We will post weekly homework tasks here every Friday. (Starting Friday 12th January)

Most of the homework has to be completed online using home learning programmes.

  • My Maths: /Purple Mash There will be a weekly maths task set on one of these programmes. The focus for this half-term is multiplication and division.
  •  Big Maths CLIC: Please look at the tests the children bring home each Monday and go over any errors. Please get in touch if you need some guidance!
  • Spelling Shed: The children can practise their set spellings for the week. (These are the spelling words from the spelling and vocabulary sheets sent home half-termly) 
  • Reading: Please read as often as you can, but at least four times a week. The children will bring home  a new sharing book every Friday. Could they please bring them in on this day to swap. Most children are now reading ZPD books. Please encourage your child to read these aloud at home to an adult. The children were very excited to receive their ZPD books! We will try to change these books once the children have finished reading them.  Whilst your child might be able to read fluently, it would be incredibly beneficial if you could read with your child, and also talk about what they have read. 



Our P.E day is Tuesday. Can children please come to school on this day in their normal uniform on the top half and blue shorts or joggers instead of school skirts and trousers on the bottom.


We look forward to working with you to support the needs of your child.  If you need to speak to us, then we are always available on the playground at the end of the day, alternatively contact the office and we can arrange a time to meet.


Many thanks,

Mrs Nicholson and Miss Buckingham


Spelling Overview Autumn Term 2
