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Monday 13th July - Friday 17th July 2020

Good morning 6B!


I hope that you are all well and that you have enjoyed your weekend off.


It is hard to believe that that you are now in your final week at Scotby School. Although the year hasn't ended as we would have hoped, it has truly been a pleasure getting to know you all; seeing you overcome challenges and watching you grow into the fantastic beings that you all are. 


This week, instead of continuing with the home learning that you are used to, every child has been tasked with working on a project which showcases their lockdown experience. Everyone's experience of this current situation will be completely different and I am sure that, for many of you, it will have brought a mixture of emotions. Don't feel that you need to shy away from showcasing these as I promise you will not be alone.


It is up to you how you wish to present your project, which reflects your experiences over the past few months. You could present it as a video; create a PowerPoint presentation, build a digital photo book with annotations (descriptions of each image); write an online blog or any other way that you see fit. You could always use a combination of these. If you wish to do this, I would highly recommend Windows Movie Maker, which is child friendly, great for pulling photos and videos together and creating captions. 


If you have an idea on how you wish to present your project but aren't sure on how best to get started, please get in touch and I will do my best to give you some ideas. 


Please send all your projects to me by Friday 17th July. Don't rush through it, this is a moment of living history so make it count smiley.


I can't wait to see all your projects!


Keep getting in touch and checking back as I will be posting the remaining chapters of Holes throughout the week.


Have fun!


Miss Bradley
