Good Morning,
Everything that you will need for today is on the timetable or available in the resources.
I will see the Year 5s at 11:15 am to check maths and to do some spelling work.
There is no Assembly today as we had it on Wednesday, which means that we will be able to have our Story Time today at 2:15 pm as normal.
Have a productive day and enjoy your weekend.
Mr Kealoha
Today, I will be working with the year 4s again at 11:15 am. We will do some spelling work and also look at the upcoming maths.
Science – We have one lesson to finish off for our science topic from last half-term before we move on to our new topic next week.
In this lesson, we will discuss how stars, including the Sun, were made. We will see how humans have investigated more about stars since the invention of telescopes. Finally, we will learn about constellations
Click HERE to start the lesson.
Today I will be working with Year 5s at 11.15 am.
There will be an assembly at 2:00 pm today with Mrs Mumberson. There will be no storytime as a consequence.
I have had some trouble getting the handwriting lesson to upload. I will keep trying today.
The Powerpoint for History is in the Downloads session but I also have a video lesson to go through the presentation in more detail.
Mr K
Today, make sure that you check the P.E challenges page this week where you will soon find some activities from Brigette to complete.
Zoom sessions today:
Maths - Scroll to the bottom of the page to check your answers for each day's maths work. We will also look at these in our Zoom sessions.
All supporting lesson videos are available at the bottom of this page.
French is linked from the timetable or click here
Welcome back from what I hope was a relaxing half-term break. This half term our topic will have a history focus looking at WW2 in the Pacific. Also, we will be recapping some French from last year and looking in detail at why we need to stay healthy in PSHE. Art will be focused primarily on Polynesian art.
Zoom sessions - This half term I will split up the class Zoom sessions (11.15 am) so that I will be working with Year 4s for 2 days and Year 5s for 2 days. This will hopefully provide us with better and more focused use of time online. The story sessions at 2.15 pm will continue for all who want to join.
Year group | Zoom session |
Year 4 | Tues - 11.15 am |
Thursday - 11.15 am | |
Year 5 | Wednesday - 11.15 am |
Friday 11.15 am |
All resources for today are available in the downloads section. Links to all of the files and supporting videos are on the weekly timetable. *Press ctrl and left-click the link to download or print the files or videos.
Click the underlined link title to view the answer sheet
Year 4 - Recap Add fractions - Add 2 or more fractions - Recap Subtract fractions - Subtract 2 fractions - Subtract from whole amounts
Year 5 - Add mixed numbers - Subtract fractions - Subtract mixed numbers - Subtraction breaking the whole - Subtract 2 mixed numbers