Good Morning 6B
I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the good weather. Feel free to send me a message on SATs Companion letting me know what you got up to - it is always nice to hear from you all.
Suggested Timetable for Today
Morning Activities:
P.E: Joe Wicks/Go Noodle
Mini Maths: Read and Write Algebra
English: Writing an Introduction
TT RockStars: 5 Studio Tasks
Maths: Imperial Measures
Spelling Shed: Challenge Words List 30
R.E - Islamic Marriage Ceremonies
P.E: Get yourselves warmed up for the day by completing Joe Wicks 30 minute morning workout by clicking here.
Not in the mood for Joe Wicks? You could always create your own indoor/outdoor circuit training or have a go at some of the GoNoodle dance routines by clicking here.
Mini Maths: Please find below the answers to Friday's questions. These were a bit of a challenge as you had to apply each statement to the one before.
This week's Mini Maths focuses on 'Simplifying Expressions', which is fairly straightforward. Let's have a look at an example before you complete today's question independently.
Miss Bradley likes to keep her classroom tidy. Under the red groups table she finds: 3 pencils, 2 sheets and 3 rulers.
Under the green table she finds: 1 sheet, 1 ruler and 2 pencils.
Under the blue table she finds: 2 pencils, 2 sheets and 1 ruler.
How many of each item does she find out of place altogether?
7 pencils + 5 sheets + 5 rulers
To simplify an expression means to write it in it's most compact (shortest) form.
English: Today we are going to be making a start on our non-chronological report. The purpose of the report is to inform someone on how to look after a Yellow Spotted Lizard. We will start off by looking at the introduction paragraph and then you will have a go at writing your own using a template on Purple Mash.
Download the PowerPoint below to take a brief look at an effective introduction.
TT Rock Stars: Log on to TT Rock Stars and complete 5 studio tasks. This shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. However if you do want to stay on there for a little bit longer, why not challenge one of your friends to a Rock Slam?
Maths: Last week we focused on metric units of measure. This week we are going to be looking at imperial units of measure: feet, inches, pounds, ounces etc.
Metric units of measure are more commonly used here in the UK, but imperial units of measure are still in use: pints of milk, weight of newborn children and road distances just to name a few.
Before completing today's task sheet, check out the information available on BBC Bitesize by clicking HERE.
When you are ready, download and complete the activity sheet attached below.
Spelling Shed: This week we are looking at Challenge List 30. This continues to look at the Year 5/6 Statutory Word List.
Make sure you are confident with all spellings before the end of the session.
If you are unsure of any word meanings, make sure that you use a dictionary to find them out.
R.E: Last week we looked at birthing ceremonies. This week we are going to be exploring Islamic Marriage Ceremonies. Download the PDF slides attached below and then complete the activity sheets.
Please do not feel the need to print everything out- ink isn't cheap. It doesn't take long to quickly draw the templates out on paper.