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Year 3/4: Mrs Nicholson & Miss Buckingham

We hope that you had a wonderful Easter break. Hopefully the weather will continue to be bright and we can enjoy the outdoors.


Home Learning

We will post weekly homework tasks here every Friday. Below are the tasks for Friday 16th June.

  • My Maths: there are no MyMaths tasks set this week. Please complete the maths sheet.
  • Handwriting: Please practise your bubble handwriting. 
  • CLIC/SAFE: Please look at the tests the children bring home each Monday and go over any errors. Please get in touch if you need some guidance!
  • Spelling Shed: The children can practise their set spellings for the week. Login details have been sent home this week.
  • Our spelling focus words are the words on the handwriting sheet. (Please bring in on Wednesday)
  • Reading: Please read as often as you can, but at least four times a week. The children should bring a selection of appropriate books each week and can return them whenever they've finished them.


Reading Books

                            The children are allocated a time slot to change their reading books on a Friday. They are to pick books from their ZPD range. This means the texts they are reading are at an appropriate level for them. They will be bought home on Friday night and are to be returned the following Friday. They also have books from their ZPD range in school. Whilst your child might be able to read fluently, it would be incredibly beneficial if you could read with your child, and also talk about what they have read. Some children will be coming home with a Read Write Ink book as well. They will be given this by the teacher who leads their sessions, so they may come home on a different night.



                     Reading is part of homework, in addition to this, there will be weekly spelling tasks set on the computer programme ‘Spelling Shed’. Weekly maths tasks will be set on My Maths- another computer programme.  The children should also practise their times tables on TTRockstars; this is especially important for the Year 4 children as they have a statutory test on all their times tables up to 12, in the Summer Term. A sheet will coming home at the end of the week with website addresses and log in details.



Our P.E day is Wednesday and children are doing a great job of coming into school in their PE kit. Thank you to the parents of children who wear earrings, for either removing the earrings for the day, or coming to school with tape on- this is very much appreciated. From 26th January- we will have our PE day on a Thursday as the children are having tennis coaching at Chatsworth tennis Club.


We look forward to working with you to support the needs of your child.  If you need to speak to us, then we are always available on the playground at the end of the day, alternatively contact the office and we can arrange a time to meet.


Many thanks,

Mrs Nicholson and Miss Buckingham

Summer Term Curriculum

Autumn Term Second Half Spelling Overview
