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Good morning! 

Please check Purple Mash and Spelling Shed  I have set some new  activities.


Use the link for your English activity.



Remember when we halve we should have 2 equal groups and when we quarter we should have 4 equal groups.


Have a go at 1/2 and 1/4 numbers practically to solve these problems. We would always do this in school with physical objects just like we did with arrays so remember to use your dolls, cars or sweets to 1/2 and 1/4.


This term we are going to do our History topic around another significant person. I would like you to discuss what a significant person is with an adult. If you can remember back to last term we studied The Queen who is very significant for a number of reason. Can you remember what it means to be of someone significant? I would like you to think of someone who is important to you or someone you inspire to be like to begin with. Draw a picture of them and write a couple of sentences about why they are special to you. 
