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Good morning Boys and Girls!

In English today I would like you think about some of the characters in the book and their behaviour. Please use the attached sheet. 





Today we are going to link our work on fractions to position and direction. Use the powerpoint first to check you know left, right, clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. Remember we also use these direction words in our P.E lessons. 

Use the attached sheet to turn Beegu to the correct position. Remember to always start with Beegu at the same starting position in the box once you have cut her out, then turn her according to the directions. Stick Beegu down in the correct position. 

English task

Phonics check - Can you read these words?

This term in our art sessions we are looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh. I would like you to look at the power point to gain some information abut him and the way he paints. Then look at his very famous work the Starry Night. Can you use inspiration from his painting and the front cover of Beegu to paint a Starry Night. I don't expect your painting to be exactly like his just use his style of painting. 

Vincent Van Gogh

Starry Night. Remember to use bright colours and bold brush strokes. Can you include Beegu and the his planet in your painting?
