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Good morning boys and girls!



Please look at your speed sounds every day. 

Set 2 

Set 3 

As stated in the Newsletter each class is making a display to welcome you back to school in September. I have received Aria's photograph and will add it to the display today. Please send a photograph of yourself which was taken during lockdown so I can add it to the display this week. It might be a photograph of you doing something fun or wearing a rainbow like Aria. 

This is our last week of home learning as we have something slightly different planned for next week. 



I have attached a(Which Planet am I presentation). I would like you to look at it with an adult and see if you can guess the planet from the riddle given. Then I would like you to write a few sentences to create your own riddle about a planet and I'll see if I can guess which planet you are writing about. Please write independently using your phonics knowledge and remembering writing rules. 


Revisit spelling rules. Suffix ed er and ing. 






Maths Today I would like you revisit addition on a number line. Although some of you will be able to work these calculations out quickly I would like you to show me your jumps on the number line as this will help you with some tricky work tomorrow.

End your day with some space themed yoga.
