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Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good Morning 6B


A huge thank you to all of you that completed the arithmetic test yesterday and sent me an email asking for support with specific areas. 

It's not too late!

If you didn't get chance yesterday, please feel free to message me today with any arithmetic areas that you would like to recap. 


Suggested Timetable for Today

Morning Activities:

09:00 - P.E: Joe Wicks/Go Noodle

09:30 - Maths: Reasoning 1

10:15 - SPAG: Identifying Prepositions

11:00 - Reading: Free Read/ZPD Quizzes

11:30 - Spelling 


Afternoon activities:

Topic - How did the Ancient Greeks change the world we live in today?

Well-being - Create a Rainbow Name-Bow

Class Read - 'Wonder' (15 mins)


P.E: Get yourselves warmed up for the day by completing Joe Wicks 30 minute morning workout by clicking here.


Not in the mood for Joe Wicks? You could always create your own indoor/outdoor circuit training or have a go at some of the GoNoodle dance routines by clicking here.


Maths: Today we will be continuing with our assessment in mathematics but with a focus on reasoning. Please log on to SATs Companion and complete the Reasoning activity independently and to the best of your ability.


Remember when completing reasoning papers, we need to apply the RUCSAC method: 

- Before you start doing any working out, make sure that you have understood the problem and have identified any key information.

- Decide on which operation/s you then need to use. 

- Once you have chosen the appropriate operation/s (there could be more than one), solve the problem and write down your answe r.

- Finally, check that your answer makes sense and that you have solved all the required steps. Read the problem back to yourself again.


SPAG: Today we are going to be looking at prepositions. 

A prepositions purpose is to tell us where or when something is happening in relation to something else.

Check out the BBC Bitesize link 'What is a preposition?' by clicking hereOn here you will find videos to watch and a short preposition quiz.


You can also head to the lessons section on SATs Companion and watch the video 'Prepositions'. 


When you are feeling confident, complete the activity identifying prepositions on SATs Companion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in getting in touch. smiley


Reading: Take some time for yourself today to enjoy a book. Not sure on what to read? Why not get in touch and ask for some recommendations.


Please also use this time to complete any outstanding quizzes 6B. Only a small proportion of you have completed a quiz since we started home learning and everybody by now should have finished at least 1 book at home.

Click on the image below to complete a quiz.







Spelling: Please log on to SATs Companion and complete the spelling activity.


Remember to apply the spelling strategies that we have looked at over the year. Read the work back to yourself, are all the sounds there?

Topic: How did the Ancient Greeks change the world we live in today?


Today I would like you to have a go at answering this question. Already through guided reading and previous topic tasks you have found out about some of the things we took from the Greeks: democracy, English vocabulary, sport. 

In addition to these, can you identify any other ways the Greek have changed or influenced the world we live in today.


Present your ideas as a mind map and give examples for each thing. 

For example the Greeks changed the world we live in today because now every four years we hold the Olympics.


English language: many of the words we use today are of Greek origin for example..


Here are some useful links:



Well-being: Create an acrostic poem 'Rainbow Name-Bow'.

First write down your name and come up with an adjective for each letter that best describes you.

For example:







Youthful wink


Once you have an adjective for each letter in your name, turn it into a rainbow like the one above and put it on display to remind yourself just how amazing YOU are!


If you don't have a very long name, you could always include your surname and loop the colours around. For example if the name above was Teresa Smith, the S would be a red strip and the M would be orange etc.


If you don't have coloured paper, you can always colour the strips in with coloured pencils create you Rainbow on the computer.


I shall look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Wonder - Chapters 3,4 & 5

Still image for this video
Feel free to listen to the next 3 chapters whilst you are completing any of this afternoon's activities.