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 Good Morning!



Today I would like you to look at the book cover again and think about some questions you might want to ask about the character on the front to gain more information about him/her.

I would like you to write your questions down starting with question words such as- where, when, why, who, how, what. Remember question sentences start with a capital letter and finish with a question mark.



Today we are looking at 1/4.  



When I discussed where the character on the front of the book might live at school yesterday some children thought the character didn't live on the same planet as us. I would like you to think about where he/she might live and think about what might be on that planet. You could draw, paint or paper mache the planet. This might have been one of your questions. Where do you live? Then I would like you to make a list of similarities and differences about our planet and the one the character lives on. 

I wonder if both planets have sky, sea, trees, clouds, people? 

I look forwarding to seeing the characters planet. 

